One morning a girl tries on a pair of new pants, but they are impossible to zip. In the mirror she sees herself like the fattest piglet the world has seen. To fix this, she decides to go on a strict diet. Because of hunger she is more of a zombie, coming blindly to the fridge, that haunts her at night. In one of those moments the Angel of United Bitches of Slimbuttlandia comes to her with a royal invitation to visit the Kingdom and to participate in a royal ceremony. What is this ceremony? Are the Skinny Buttangels that lovely and harmless as they try to appear? How to find a way back home from The United Bitches of Slimbuttlandia?

Yelyzaveta Pysmak is a polish-ukrainian filmmaker and animator. Born in Chernihiv, Ukraine. Starting from 2015 studies in Polish National Film School in Łódź, Animation and Special Effects department.
Oct. 21 - Oct.27